Although alarming, the depth of Iran’s infiltration into the foreign-policy and media establishments exposed in this week’s reports isn’t surprising.

By: Caroline Glick – Jewish News Syndicate;

There is something terribly disturbing about the current state of Washington’s foreign-policy establishment.

Tuesday [09/26/2023] we were hit with the blockbuster reports by Semafor and Iran International exposing the depth of Iran’s infiltration of the U.S. foreign-policy establishment and the Biden administration. The two simultaneously published reports revealed how beginning in 2014, Iran’s Foreign Ministry established a circle of agents in Washington and Europe, which it referred to as the Iran Experts Initiative (IEI). Members of IEI were comprised of Iranian emigres sympathetic to the regime and its nuclear-weapons program.

The experts routinely submitted their drafts to the Iranian Foreign Ministry for comment before publication and generally sought guidance from Iran’s Foreign Ministry in relation to various pro-Iran activities, including providing sympathetic testimony before Congress.


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