Revising biblical history to fit today’s political agendas should be as abhorrent to Christians as it is to Israelis and Jews.

By: Israel Today Staff –

You don’t necessarily have to believe the message of the Bible to accept it as a viable historical document. So much of the details contained in Scripture has been validated by third party historical documents and archaeological finds.

But leave it to the United Nations to completely ignore the Bible, even as a historical document, as it rewrites history to fit modern political agendas.

On Sunday, [September 17], the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) voted to recognize Jericho, one of the oldest known cities on earth, as a World Heritage Site…in Palestine.

Yes, Palestine. And when they say “Palestine,” they don’t mean a geographical region as the Romans and later the British did. They mean the “State of Palestine,” a political entity that does not and never has existed.

But in our era of relativism, identity is a fluid thing that can be changed and altered on a whim.

And so ancient Jericho is now considered by the international community to be “Palestinian,” just as the Great Wall is Chinese and Machu Picchu is Incan.


Unsurprisingly, the United Nations has ignored the Bible and decided that Jericho is an ancient “Palestinian” heritage site. Photo by Hadas Parush/Flash90

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