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Notes from the Webmaster about Zola's 2006 battle with cancer

Archive for April 14th, 2006

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The future

Friday, April 14th, 2006

Here are some paragraphs taken from a letter that Sandra wrote back on March 3, where she summarized this situation very well, and also wrote about the future of the ministry. I know many are wondering about the ministry’s plans for the future. I don’t know if anyone can say how things will unfold for sure, but Sandra says here what the plans are.

Someone once said that, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” Zola and I have been so blessed to have been making those plans of speaking, traveling to Israel and making wonderful television programs for many years. Our plans were such that we could tell you where we would be years from now. We were having a wonderful time in the Lord. Now, those plans are changing.

I can also tell you that God is in control and we are in His hands. Already, we see that God has gone ahead of us in many of the details of just getting home, of seeing doctors that are booked solid, of people praying for us, and of friends being with us. We are truly blessed.

I want to also assure you that Zola’s ministry will go on. We are making some adjustments to allow Zola to take treatments and to rest. The Levitt Letter is in good hands with Lou Hays at the helm, Mark Levitt has always done the best job of running the ministry, Tony Derrick and I will continue to take tours to Israel. We have a stable of solid Bible teachers who are available to speak in churches. Ken Berg will produce programs about Israel and current events. As always, the office staff is there to help you. We are all pitching in to continue to make God’s word heard throughout the world.

Zola really is in good spirits. Rereading Psalm 23, I am reminded of the last verse: “and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” That is what life is all about. Being with our Lord forever. Zola always says that we are living our eternal life now; the worst part is living here.

Remember to witness to your friends and family. It is the best medicine for them.