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Notes from the Webmaster about Zola's 2006 battle with cancer

Archive for March 22nd, 2006

A break from the treatments

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

Last week, Zola had his last radiation and chemo treatments. This is an intermission for a couple of weeks to see how he’s reacting to the treatment. At the end of March, he will be evaluated to see if they should continue or not.

Zola has handled the treatments very well. He has become fatigued from them but hasn’t had any nausea. He has lost about 1/2 of the hair on his head, though. He has started to have a bit of a rebound now that he’s off the treatments.

Sandra will be in Israel with the tour for a week. Zola has had friends staying with them for some time now, helping Sandra out, and they’ll be there while Sandra is gone.

Zola will continue at his post as long as he is able, and he’s still very able. He continues to make TV shows (four last week and several this week).

Next week’s TV show is another personal episode called “Introducing Sandra.”
And so it goes…