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Notes from the Webmaster about Zola's 2006 battle with cancer

Why wasn’t this found earlier?

Many are wondering why the doctors didn’t find this cancer during Zola’s heart surgery six months ago.

That’s a good question. No one really knows right now. Zola’s heart Doctor friend says that either it was there and they just weren’t looking for that so they didn’t see it, or it’s come on in the past 6 months or so. It may have looked like a shadow behind the heart. We just don’t really know.

About the heart surgery, Zola is still glad he had it done because he was able to loose about 40 pounds and is much stronger and able to put up a better fight against this now than he would have been without that surgery.

There is still some hope that it is not cancer at this point. We’ll just have to wait for the tests.


2 Responses to “Why wasn’t this found earlier?”

  1. myriam Says:

    In Yeshua I pray that many days will be added as well as many years in the life of Zola. Prov.9:11

  2. Nina Hunt Says:

    Zola, I can’t tell you how much your ministry has meant to my Christian growth through the past nearly 20 years. My heart aches to see you ill, but I know that your healing will be complete and you are going to be with the Lord.
    I can’t say I was always able to send money, but I sent when I could.
    The lessons learned are priceless. The people that I taught gained much learning because I sat under your ministry. Israel has always been close to my heart since I was a small child. I’m a watchman, (lady) and love the job. Though it at times causes grief and some anger. I wouldn’t trade my experience of Israel or knowledge of the land and people for any land here in the USA. It is home to us. We shall live there and rule and reign with Him there. What a day that will be, when My Jesus I shall see, when I look upon His face, the one who saved me by His grace……..
    God has used you wonderfully. I just got to see your wife for the first time tonight watching the show. You married well Zola. (smile) So good to be blessed as you have been. If the Lord tarries and you leave before I do, you will be sadly missed. I promise to keep on sharing the lessons learned.
    Nina Hunt
    Ashland, Kentucky