114 thoughts on “Snow in Jerusalem Photos by Will King

  • Wow, Will. These are great.

    It snowed in Jerusalem April 1, 1990 when my wife and I were there on a tour. Very exciting. Very unusual, given the setting and the date.

    My pictures are not as good as yours.


  • Will, I love your pictures. What a blessing it must have been to see snow right in Jerusalem. I hope to go someday to Jerusalem, whether it’s snowing or not! Take care. Ephesians 2:8-9

  • I guess I was under some misconception that it NEVER snowed in Jerusalem and this was a once in a lifetime occurence. I guess I am so anxious for the Lord’s return that I hang onto each occurence as the “Absolute proof that our time is near”. Your work is phenomenal; please continue to bring us such wonderful information. In Christ’s Love,

  • Will,

    Snow in Jerusalem is another way of God expressing the beauty of Jerusalem. Thank you for the great pictures. They really captured the special blessing of having snow in Jerusalem.

    Psalm 122:6


  • Peaceful moment:
    Thank you lord, for sending the snow. Jerusalem you love and this we know. A beautiful expression of your purifying touch upon this city you love so much. A peaceful moment captured in time, celebrating today, a futuristic sign. Every true hearted Christian, every faithful Jew, longs for God’s promises all to come true. God chose this place and Jesus walked these streets and it won’t be much longer, til Jersalem rejoices in lasting peace.
    Love in Christ, Ed

  • Oh my goodness… What a beautiful site….Thank you so much for sharing. It snowed here in New York and I’m used to seeing that. But to acutally see it happen in Jerusalem… words can not express, but I’ll try…. Bello, Beautiful, delightful….
    God bless Israel, Zola Ministry and the works of your hands Mr. King.
    Adelante en el Senor…

  • My wife and I are messianic Jews living in Northern Calif.
    We conduct classes aiming at eschatology, using Old and New testament scriptures and
    would appreciate up to date events happening in Israel that the News wires will not
    tell us about. God Bless

  • Will:
    My response is not nearly eloquent as the pictures. My first response was simply “Wow!” When I first heard the news that it was snowing in Jerusalem, I hoped you’d be out snapping away. The pictures are more beautiful than words can possibly express.

  • The prophet YESHA’YAHU (Isaiah) said, “Even though your sins are like scarlet, they will be white as SNOW; even if they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool”. It’s funny that people recognize that there is “wool” (sheep) in Yisrael, but don’t realize that there is snow! Yisrael has tropical, winter, dry hot, etc. You come there and there is weather for all. Perhaps like Texas! 🙂 BTW: I drove by a small ranch in North Texas and my husband and I actually saw a RED HEIFER! We pulled over and looked at it for a while and imagined the rebuilding of the בית המקדש, Bet HaMikdash.

    My family and I have encountered some wonderful people here in Texas who really seem to love Yisrael.

  • My heart is still aglow from the sight of snow in Jerusalem, and walking in the Holy Land! What a blessing to have experienced this Holy place. To have worshiped there,be baptized there,and get in touch with my Christian heritage, still seems a bit unreal. Hallelujah it is real! (Classie, in Israel February 10-19, 2008)

  • Your pictures of Jerusalem are so beautiful. I believe Israel is the most beautiful land in all the world. I cannot wait to live there with Jesus someday. I love everything about Israel and Pray for her often. God bless.
    Corajean Knapp

  • I’m happy to see your photos, but even happier to say I will see Jerusalem and Israel in June!!!! I will probably even see you,Will!

  • Will, Wonder-filled snowy pix at the Western wall of Rabbi and fellow at prayer plus the columns in snow looked ancient. In Texas on March 7, 2008 we got 9 in. of snow, after an 88 degree day last week. I took pix of snow angels!

  • Will…those pictures took my breath away. How truly Blessed one must feel while standing in the Holy Land and snapping such wonderful pictures. Keep up the good work. God Bless!

  • wow those photos of Jerusalem in snow took my breath away.
    It looked like an ancient city with its beautiful solid stone walls in preperation for battle!!!

  • Dear Mr. King, Your pictures are absolutely beautiful, inspirational, sensational. awesome and tremendous. Should do research on “net”, however do you know how often it snows in Jerusalem? Was especially touched by the gentlemen who was praying at the “wall”. Could feel his prayers right through the miles from Jerusalem to Florida and am praying for him as well. Mr. King, there again should do research on “net” and have, however do you think the weather in Jerusalem “paralells” that of the “southeastern” United States, such as Georgia and Florida? Thank you so very much for any info. Best regards to you and your family. Will keep all in thoughts and prayers. Also am trying to learn “Hebrew” on “net” or in courses. Would you have any suggestions? Thanks again. Peace. Sincerely yours, Nancy Soderstrom “E-mail” address: russ_and_ma@yahoo.com

  • Will
    How wonderful to see the beauty of my adopted home in an all new setting. I was there last June when Israel had one of it’s hottest months ever. Even our guide said that he had never shown Masada as quickly as he did that day. I know that someday soon I’ll be able to walk the streets of this precious city for good. My heart has such a longing to be there!! Come quickly Lord Jesus—Maranantha

  • Wow, that’s amazing! Usually you don’t see snow in Jerusalem, but it snowed! It’s really great to see snow in Jerusalem!

  • Que hermoso poder disfrutar de la Tierra Santa. El deseo de mi corazón es ir algun dia a ver la tierra que vio nacer y morir a mi amado Señor YESHUA HAMASHIA, DIOS bendiga a Israel y los bendiga a usdes por este sitio tan maravillo. Brachots, Marisa

  • truly I was amazed,like a few others,I never knew it snowed in Jerrusalem,the pictures are breath taking.Thank you so much for sharing.

  • How beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing these awesome photos. May the Lord our God bless Israel and all her children…and may the U.S. never turn it’s back on her or betray her in any way. And even if it does, I will stand for and pray for her as long as the Lord keeps breath in my body. God bless Israel!

  • Dear Will
    I am always in awe of the holy land and to the beauty of all she possess I hope I spelled it correctly. But to put it lighlty we must never put God in a box and think that things could not happen because of the location of Jerrusalem, as we all know that God said he would make the dessert bloom and he did that as bringing his people back to the promised land. As i am so thaknful that we were given a second chance by the sacrafice of his son who happens to be hebrew. And will always on the side of Isreal and all she endevers to do God keep you and your family safe and in the loving arms of his beautiful son Jesus Christ (Yeshua)(She’ma) Hear,O Isreal,
    the Lord our God is One. Your sister in the Lord.

  • Shalom aleichem Will!! Thank you so much for a rare look into another one of our G-d’s miraculous handy works.He even makes Jerusalem blossom with wonderous white snow.Nothing is impossible for our G-d.

  • Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful pictures of Jerusalem. I am in awe of God’s greatness and am blessed by your thoughtfulness in sharing these pictures. Thanks to all of you at the Zola Levitt Ministries for reaching out an touching my life. God Bless!

  • Hi Will,
    Lovely photos. I have been to Israel 26 times, all the seasons and never saw snow there. I am from South Africa and will be visiting again with a group in November 2008.

  • Oh how lovely! I love Israel and have seen many photos, but I have never seen snow! Oh, how like our God to soften his city with that blanket of gentle, silent snow….it looks as if He was saying…”Hush…be still.. and listen..and know that I am God…”….too beautiful!!!

  • Grace and Peace Will;

    These pictures are truly breath taking, like others I had no awareness of snow in Jerusalem. It only reveals that God is in control.

  • Iam an Indian but we were Babylonian jews and we are 350000 and known as Knanaya christians. more details are in Indian christians website

  • Lovely! Beautiful.. the snow simply reminds me of the ‘dew of Hermon…’. The pictures are truly nice and there is an expectant refreshing feel to them. Is that Menorah from the Cardo?

  • How blessed I am so have been able to walk the streets of Jerusalem in November 2000. What peace I felt and joy so complete. Your pictures are beautiful. The Bible talks of snow but I never imagined it to be there. God is so good to give us such beauty. I can hardly wait to be with Him in Israel someday. Thank you for sharing the pictures. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

  • It is such a blessing to look at these fantastic pictures of Jerusalem. I had the privilege of being in Jerusalem for several years – secy. at King of Kings and with Bridges for Peace Adoption program. These pictures bring back such wonderful memories as one year was the city’s most snow ever. There is no place like Jerusalem – the sages say that God had ten measures of beauty and He gave nine of them to Jerusalem. Lev sheli b’yerushalim! My heart is in Jerusalem! THANK YOU, WILL!

  • Absolutely Fantastic pictures! My friend Janet went there in 2007 during the summer. I still have her photos in my e-mail. She is now in China. May God Bless you and your family in Jerusalem.

  • Thanks for the pictures – I have similar ones but not quite as beautiful (in South Korea). I might join my friend, now in China, who took some photos there in June 2007. Again God Bless you and your family in Jerusalem!


  • What beautiful photos! Jerusalem in the snow—I never knew. There is something so peaceful and comforting about the snow. As if our Father put a hush on the earth.

    Thank you for using your talents to share with us.

    May God grant you peace,
    Kathy Elder

  • Thankyou for these wonderful pictures they have really blessed me. Where I live in Australia we do not get snow. I would love to visit Israel.

  • WOW! Really love the pics you have posted on here. I could see myself living in Israel and making it my new home someday. Thank You, and may the Lord bless you tremendously.

  • Thanks so much for the beautiful pictures of Israel frosted in snow. I will probably never be able to make the trip, so I thank you Will, for bringing Israel to us. Oh, I will be there in the new kingdom, but so wanted to go while I still have life in these bones; but whatever the Lord wants for me is just fine.
    I’d be very happy to see more pictures of the Beautiful Land, if possible.
    God bless you, Will, in all your endeavors.

  • I visited Israel a number of years ago. I was in June and there was no
    snow then!! I love the pictures–always enjoy seeing pictures of Israel. Thanks for sharing them.

  • Thank you for this pictures from the most beautifull City in the Earth.
    Thath Almigthy Adonai bless you and keep us forever.I’ll prayer for the peace
    of Israel.

  • I found these pics to be quite delightful, especially the ones of the snow encased menorrah and the old man standing by the western wall taking cover from the snow with his talith (or so it seems)! I just never acquainted snow with the western wall or any part of Israel for that matter — how odd! How beautiful!

  • I’m so greatful, to see such wonderful photos. This must be a rare occurance,to draw so many comments.Thank you for sharing such, amazing views of the walls. Do you have any current pictures as of August 2008,to share? Were you able to photograph,any cites looking out, or within the the city? I’m looking forward,to visiting there,if the Lord is willing. Thanks,

  • Your pictures are truly a blessing, i keep them on my desktop at home as well as work. I had the most wonderful time in Israel with Sandra and Jeff last October on a tour. Every time I look at these photos I think of our tour guide Zvi saying as he looked out the bus window every day “there is no snow in Jerusalem today. It makes me smile every time. God bless you and keep up the great work in Israel.

  • A Michele – come una ebrea americaao, la sua lettera ha toccato il mio cuore. Spero che troviate l’occasione visitare l’Israele l’un giorno. Sono stato nell’Israele sei volte ed in Italia sette volte! Può il dio benedire l’Israele, gli S.U.A. e l’Italia e benedizioni a voi, anche!

    Gorgeous photographs…they visually exemplify “God’s Peace in Jerusalem.” Exquisite!


  • I am a Sri Lankan but a follower of the Lord, I do beleive that indeed the Isreal is Gods, chosen land, what a blessing is it for all you for live there. No matter what any great nation tries to do, you are greater and ISREAL will stand proud and tall you people are blessed by God. Did it not take a little Isrealite to bring down a Giant. Faith and Trust is more powerful, than any MAN MADE WEAPON.

    Alleuia, Alleuia, Jesus is living and through Isreal we all other nations will be saved.


    May god bless you all you wonderful people.


  • I’ve never been to Isreal, I’ve always wanted to go.. have been drawn to this for most of my life. These photos are great! Living in the desert myself its always great to have a snowfall. Such a stark change to the norm. Who knows maybe someday I’ll be there.. God willing!

  • Will King,
    I have been to Israel twenty-five times, and want to go back. These pictues are GREAT!!!
    I have seen snow in Northern Israel (Golan Heights). I’m asking that the Zola Levitt ministries and others pray that our Father will provide finances for me to return to that GREAT country ISRAEL.

    God Bless,
    Don Fly

  • Thanks for the beautiful photos. The photo at the Western Wall very moving. Truly a blessing. We were there with our church this June and will return, God willing!! The song “Holy City” still rings in my heart

    Thank you for your ministry, God Bless

  • Nice pictures. I hope to some day be able to be there. Thanks for the inspiration. It would make a good calendar. For those that have never been there it helps to give an idea of what the weather can be like in the winter.

  • Will’
    Wonderful photos of a snowy Jerusalem! My husband and I were in Jerusalem in December of 1999 on one of our many trips there. We walked with some friends, from the Old City to Bethlehem to the Shepherd’s Feilds on Christmas Eve and experienced some snow flurries that night. What a blessed evening! It was one of the most blessed experiences we have ever had in all our times in Israel! It snowed big time shortly after we returned home. We were sorry to have missed the “snow show”, but were so grateful for our Christmas experience! We think of it as a Christmas present from the Lord. Thank you for the pics. We love the television program and the Levitt Letter. Thank you for all you and your collegues do to promote Israel and support the Jewish people.
    In Christ,

  • Praise Jesus, I looked at the photos and I asked the Lord: When will I go to Israel? Can’t wait to share with my brothers Elohim gave us. We love you Israel, the churches here in Puerto Rico are praying for you. Next time send us some snow 😀 Shalom!!!

  • Hello Will,

    Your pictures are wonderful….I had missed them all the time and just now got a chance to see them…..Israel is so beautiful and I love her and God’s precious chosen people with all my heart.

    I was so honored last July 27th to finally get to meet your sweet mother when she came to Redding to speak…..She is a blessing to all of us and such a good speaker…..I was so sorry we were having such terrible forest fires around us and our sky was filled with smoke and she could not see the beautiful area we live in….I trust she will come back again.

    Thank you a million times for sharing your photos….God bless you Will..Have a beautiful Thanksgiving….I believe your mother is in Israel right now, maybe you will have Thanksgiving together….God bless and keep you.

    Dortha Mae

  • Praise Yahshua Hamashiah and I love your pictures. What a blessing it must have been to see snow right in Jerusalem. I hope to go someday to Jerusalem, whether it’s snowing or not! Thank you


  • I have always lived in Plano (outside of Dallas) all my life. I am an adopted Jew as it states in Esther.
    I think it is an astounding idea to make calendars out of these photo’s as well. Please do this because it could help the Messianic Ministry as well. THANK YOU.

    Sharon Kay Jacobson

  • Beautiful pictures!! Merry Christmas!! I visited Jerusalem in March of 2007. On our first morning, we woke up to a wonderful snowy day!! HUGE flakes falling on the geraniums at our hotel in Jerusalem!! Our first stop that morning was Bethlehem!! What a GREAT gift from the Lord!! Bethlehem in the snow!! It was amazing to see the flakes falling on lemons on a lemon tree in Bethlehem. And snow falling on the Shepherd’s Fields!! It really put us in the Christmas spirit while we were there!! Thanks for sharing your pictures!! I love your programs, and hope to visit Israel again soon! God bless your ministry!! L

  • I was in Jerusalem on December 25th 2005. While I was at the Wailing Wall, there was a flash of lightning followed by an incredible boom as thunder rattled the air. This was followed by a brief snowstorm. Thank you for the beautiful pictures. I’ll be leading a group back to my homeland in October 2009. My Mothers Maiden name is Zilverberg of the Holland Jews. Any relatives out there? pastordirk@bolcchurch.com

    May God richly bless you!!

  • Dear Friends,

    These Pictures are really really really beautifull, i like it very much i want to see more pictures of the Holy city of god, where are loving God has wolked and gives his life for our sins, really if somebuddy send me the pictures, ireally want to see that city, i don’t have word’s to explan my feeling, i have prayed to God that Just give me a one chance to see that bleesed city,

    that is my email address farisgill@hotmail.com plz plz plz send me pictures of the Bleesed city (jerusalem)

    Thanx Faris Gill


  • These pictures of snow in Jerusalem are wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing them with all of us who love Isreal!

    I do have a favor to ask… I love to put together music videos using contemporary christian music and photos or drawings I find on the internet; then post them on YouTube. Do you think Will King would mind if I use some of his photos in one or more of my videos at some point?

    I would love to do somethings with Zola’s beautiful music as well, but I wouldn’t dream of doing so without y’all’s permission. Nor will I use the photos unless I’m given permission.

    I have found YouTube to be another wonderful way of witnessing to others about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ… and I can witness to people all over the world! It has been a truly amazing phenomenon and humbling realization that even I can plant a seed in a hungry heart, encouage the discouraged, bring comfort to those who mourn through the power of the Holy Spirit on such a diverse and global medium as YouTube.

    It is an honor to support ZLM as well. And no matter what, permission of use given or not, please know that my family and I are praying for the continued powerful witness of Zola Levitt Ministries and, as always, for the peace of Jerusalem.

    Deborah (aka OurLostRose on YouTube)

  • Oh..my…what a sight..I’d heard it snowed there last January..Today where I live in the USA in Ohio…it is a level 2 snow emergency in many many many counties and level 3 snow emergency in a few others…I am on lunch at work and had visited Israel in 2006…the best very best thing I’ve ever done to make alliyah…(sp) I cannot wait to go back..but will wait on Yeshua’s leading in that….I am a member of a Messianic Congregation Sar Shalom and pray for Israel and my friends that I met in the land and especially in Jerusalem when I was there…Going to the land changes one…and it’s supposed to do that…(In a Mighty and Wonderful Way…)it changes ones perspective….so completely..and you know it’s going to but cannot understand it til it happens…Shalom to all

  • I didn’t know that it snowed in Israel but the pictures are wonderful. We don’t get much snow herer in Texas near Houston but when we get it, it truely is a time to rejoice. My hope is to make it one day to Israel. The Lord Bless you in all you do.


  • Would be wonderful if these “tears-in-the-eyes, lump-in-the-throat” pictures could be made into a group of screen savers, which could then be offered for sale to those of us who love the Holy Land and the efforts of all of you. Maybe just wishful thinking but the pictures surely would be wonderful to view as screen savers. Just a thought.
    My prayers for all of you…God Bless!. Nordan

  • i am not jewish. i and many christians support israel and its people. i’ve always wished to visit the holy land. i would love to take my family especially to be baptised and recieve healing while being there. it is a beautiful land and can’t wait to meet the messiah upon his return there.

  • WOW!! Beautiful photos of the snow. My first thought was the purity over Israel. Thanks for sharing, I also would like to hear some chosen music with the slides.
    Blessings to you, Mary

  • The pictures of Jerusalem in SNOW are wonderful. I spent four years living in Israel and had quite a few opportunities to photograph the Jerusalem sites. Only one time did I see a similar snow-fall in Jerusalem. I spent the entire day taking four rolls of slides …only to have them disappear as “lost” by the developer in Nahariya. I am grateful that you could see your results and were able to share them with others. Thank You, Glenn

  • I too confess to the thought that Israel never received snow. It must be something of a novelty though since the pictures are posted here and the comments are encouraged. Israel is beautiful under any condition, the snow is like God’s icing on His favorite cake. Keep the snapshots coming, preferably with the same operator behind the camera! 🙂

  • Wow, I never thought of this snow coming to Israel, I thought Israel stay hot! never snow!
    What does this mean? It Jesus Our Lord is coming? I can’t wait get out of this place of wicked and I am ready. I love go Israel to visiting but I am too a poor woman. I rather wait for next time Jesus comes take us home then I will visit Israel for Free. Praise the Lord. Love in prayer,

  • The view of the side of the wall with 2 towers in the background will be the one I will see when I close my eyes and remember these beautiful pictures. It brings peace to my soul.

  • I’ve never been to Isreal, I’ve always wanted to go…wow!!! God amazing power!! ..he love israel dearly…and i wish we can touch the walling wall and pray… and grant my wish that someone or somebody help us invest or finance our business…in jesus name Amen.

  • Will,

    What beautiful, inspiring photos…especially the one of the Great Menorah encased in protective glass (?) and receiving a dusting of God’s approval via snow in Jerusalem! I’ve been to Israel twice, once in 1998 and the second time in 2000. Both are events that changed my life…it was like “going home”. Our trip was in the early summer, so obviously no snow…but still beautiful nonetheless. Thank you for your work in that Holy City. Continue on in what the Lord has you doing!

    Blessings in Yeshua, Annabelle 21 August 2009

  • I needed to see these pictures…they put a big smile on my face! And, then I thought of obma, who for some crazy idea, wants to give this beautiful place to a people that will only want more and more of Isreal! What is obama thinking?
    I an so please to see this program on the TV!!! I am truly blessed, you see I started send ZM’s one dollar, and then three and then for some reason I could afford checks…and when that happened I started sending $20.00!!! I live on six hundred, and pay for every thing myself! I still have the same amout of money…but, not I have cable TV! And, I love to watch you guys, to me you are great!!!
    Don’t be afraid of offending someone…that need to open their Bibles, and read them and then they wood know every thing you talk about is from GOD and not you….they need to back off!!
    Thank you for these close up pictures I know that the only way I will ever see a part of Isreal is when Jesus Christ makes it possible…can’t wait!
    Love You All……. Friday Hamlet

  • Thank You for the beautiful Pictures. Ever since February 1990 my heart longs to go back to Israel, arriving at Ben Gurion AP on a stormy evening, I felt that I have come Home! And one day it will be When Jeshuah HaMashiach will rain from Jerushalayim! Even so L-d come quickly. Luzia

  • Amazing, I wish I was there! Seeing these photographs makes me want to take a trip to the Holy Land. While in the military I was within walking distance of Isreal but being in the military they did not let me go to Isreal. I need to take a trip there one day, my dream is to go to school in Isreal. Thank you & God Bless!!!

  • Wow! Snow in Jerusalem. Those snowy photos reminds me of Finland, my home country and a place where Israel has always been greatly loved.

    Shalom Jerusalem and may the peace of our Lord be with you in the name of Yeshua!

  • Dear Mr. King,

    I got the greatest joy seeing your pictures, for you see, for the last 3 years, I have asked God to give Israel a white Christmas as well as in my neck of the woods. I’m a child at heart. I love snow and I’m sure people in Israel get a big kick out of it as well! Israel, especially during the Christmas season, is never far from my heart. Thanks for sharing them with us!

  • No words—tears! I was not born Jewish but am a proud gentile bride with an instant feeling of home sickness when my eyes saw your art. I just can’t stop crying. God Bless you!

  • I went to Israel in March of 2007. It snowed our first morning in Jerusalem and while we were in Bethelem!! Wonderful!! I am going back after Christmas. It would be awesome to see it snow in Jerusalem again! What a blessing to be able to go to the Holy City!!! I am watching all of your archived programs to get ready for the trip!! God bless this ministry!

  • Words cannot convey the beauty of Israel with snow. I was there in Nov., 2008 no snow, but never-the-less beauty was in the eyes of this beholder. I have this huge desire
    to learn forever more of Israel, and find all the material I can gather of this
    beloved country. It is my prayer God will permit me to return again.

  • It is wonderful that I can get onto the internet and see the pictures of the land of Israel that I have come to love so much. I hope and pray that all efforts to chop up the land and give it to her enemies fails miserably. It is alarming to see how those efforts have been stepped up recently. Therefore, my prayers have been stepped up recently, too. May our Lord Jesus’ feet touch down on the Mt. of Olives soon, and bring true Shalom to all Israel.

  • There is only one place I would like to go to outside of the U S A & that would be ISRAEL. I am on disability & funds are very scarce.I am 68 years young ,& i have always had a love in my heart for the Jewish people .I dont understand how & Why people mistreat the Jews . I would like to help the Jewish people evan if it was a small amount .I missed getting the LEVITT LETTER .I had a lot of the Levitt Magazines could not throw them away ,& prayed & ask GOD what to do with them . guess what the Hospital said they would put them in there lounges & I also put an add in bulliten board & even got calls for them to give away Thank you ZOLA LEVITT ,JEFF &SANDRA & ALL YOUR STAFF CAROL JONES

  • WOW!!!! THESE PHOTOES ARE ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!! Thank you for sharing them. I always wondered if it ever snowed in Israel, like when Y’shua was actually here…and will it snow during the Millenium when we all come back with OUR ELDER BROTHER and our BRIDEGROOM…??? 🙂 I may never see the Promised Land
    THIS side of Heaven, but I know that I have the blessed hope of knowing that I really WILL be there one day…and it won’t be long, seeing how things are rapidly coming together at the moment…I am so excited when I think about the Rapture and going home….to our Father’s house!!! I’m so glad that I “drank the cup” that my Bridegroom offers us ALL…in His precious blood!!! <3

  • WOW,WOW,WOW!!! Certainly some of the most beautiful photos I have ever seen of Jerusalem and the only ones I have ever seen of Jerusalem with snow. Thanks so much for posting them. The grace and blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your ministry.

  • My family woke up on Christmas morning,1997,staying at Christ Church to snow. We drove to Jerusalem across the Sinai Deseert from Cairo,Egypt. It was also such a blessing. Your pictures bring back wonderful memories. Thank you.

  • WOW Lovely! Beautiful photos.Snow in Jerusalem is another way of God expressing the beauty of Jerusalem. Thank you for the great pictures. They really captured the special blessing of having snow in Jerusalem.

    pastor K.Zechariah from INDIA.

  • Having lived most of our married life in Alaska, we understand the exuberance and awe of new fallen snow. Seeing it in Jerusalem and capturing the scenes for all to see had to be a thrill. In Alaska’s interior we would get snow and cold that can last up to nine months and that is how we got the title of the Frozen Chosen. todah, todah rebah.

  • Blessings to all from sunny Florida!! Just love these pics. Lots of fabulous memories from our time in Israel with Zola Ministries in 08 and 09. My heart is there because of the fabulous experiences I had on your tours, and I am praying that Adonai makes a way for me to spend some significant time doing charity work in Israel in 2011. I continually pray for the ministry, for the ambassadors that are actually in Israel right now with your tour, and for the nation of Israel to seek their Messiah. As we enter the Passover season, I pray that a huge number of Jews come to know their Messiah.

    Many blessings,
    Lori Shuman-Auspitz

    P.S. Zvi, there is snow in Jerusalem!!!!

  • I downloaded a few of the above pictures a couple of weeks ago and gave my Pastor a couple of them this morning in Church. He loved them! Sort of gives “Global Warming” a black eye. I love Israel and pray not only for Israel and the Jewish people but for the Peace of Jerusalem every day! (Latter commanded by Psalms 122:6).

    May God bless and keep everyone of you!

    Doc Shearer

  • Beautiful sight to behold. I love Israel and stand with her as well all Gods people. Thank you for sharing these pictures.I have never been able to go there but one day I will even if I must wait till Jesus sits on the throne of David! My heart is with her.

  • Awesome, one day I would love to go and walk where my Lord walked.I pray that the Lord Jesus bless Israel and keep all safe.

  • Pure remembrance,
    Was caretaker of a homeless shelter (Bet Yacob, 51 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem) at the time of this snow.
    We only had a small diesel stove to warm the building with 12 men.
    One of the men had just come to know the Messiah Yeshuah, and to share his salvation. He loved to
    sleep outside, even in the cold, and he froze to death in this snow storm.

  • Wow, I love this pictures! I may not be the best on weather, but I am guessing that snow in Israel, at least in the non-mountainous areas, is not a common thing! I love this site, and all of the information here, but these pictures just blow me away! I am a winter sort of person, and living so cal I don’t get to see snow! So thank you for posting these! (And yes I know I am late on the punch, lol I saw one of these in the Levitt letters I used to get when I lived in Ohio, and it just came back to mind!)

    God Bless!

  • Israel you have gotten out of the Russian north, now leave “The Daughter of Babylon,” Zephaniah 2:6-7. You ask where is the daughter of Babylon? It is where the Jews live now! 6,000,000 Jews live in America and about 3,000,000 Jews live in the remainder of the world so where do you think the last Babylon will be?

  • It is god blessed nation , and I remember the Jerusalem when I see this pictures , I was there in December it was sooo cool , happy to be their again. May the God Bless Israel

    Neville Mangalagama

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