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Information about Zola's 2005 heart surgery

August 2 update

Here’s an update today from Zola’s wife, Sandra:

He had a very good day today. He walked up and down the hall twice, so far. He should walk once more. And he felt good! Praise God. We are feeling the prayers.


20 Responses to “August 2 update”

  1. Betty Barnard Says:

    Praise God for the good news. God gave me a great verse this am. I am not so young anymore so I feel comfortable sending it to you. Psalm 71:18. “Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come”. The next generation (and this present one) need you. Praise God for seeing you through and giving you
    more time to proclaim His plan and loving purpose.
    Until He comes,
    Betty Barnard

  2. L. S. Says:

    PRAISE GOD!!! The speed of your recovery has me reeling. I’m still (and will continue praying for you everyday. Remember Zola, your youth is renewed like the eagle. Keep it up. God bless you.

  3. Jan Hawthorne Says:

    Dear Zola,

    I am so glad to hear that you are doing well after your surgery. It was very thoughtful of you to keep your listeners in the loop as you go through this. And step by step too! Thank you. Though I’m not sure you are allowed to look that good after open heart surgery!

    You never cease to bring encouragement and refreshment to me! You are an oasis in a doctrinal dessert and a pleasure to learn from. I hope you and Sandra are being encouraged and refreshed through us at this time and I am glad you are feeling our prayers. May the Lord grant you a speedy recovery.

    In Him,
    Jan Hawthorne

  4. Jackie Heromin Says:

    I Praise The Lord for this wonderful update! I am so thrilled to be able to have these updates and I thank Sandra for knowing that we need to hear how Zola is doing and giving us the Praise reports! We love you and need you so much in this very troubled world Zola, so please take care of yourself so you can be back teaching us very soon!

    With Prayers and Thanksgiving,

  5. Helen Moyot Says:

    I am so pleased with the good news! You’re like the energizer bunny; keep up the good work!
    And I thank our Lord very much.
    God Bless,

  6. Dortha Mae Spurgeon Says:

    Thank you Sandra for the update…..It sounds absolutely wonderful and I know it is a good feeling for you to see him doing so well….Praise the Lord….We are praying for him to be back on the firing line real soon….His ministry is so much appreciated….Mark wrote a beautiful August letter….I know you are proud of him….Praise the Lord!…..We serve an awesome God!…We love you.

  7. Deborah Leavelle Says:

    I thank the Lord always for you and your ministry……have learned much……need you to be well so I can learn much more……God bless,Deborah…… you look very chipper for all you have been through!!!!

  8. Russell Jones Says:


    Way to go! After my double knee replacement surgery I knew that my attitude towards therapy was going to make a huge difference. Supported by prayer and my faith in Yeshua carried me through to enough strength to go back to work and go to Israel on your summer kibbutz. You can do it, with His help and our prayers. We continue to pray for you and Sandra.

    In His name,
    Russell and Dolores Jones

  9. Dee Arnold Says:

    Hi Zola and Sandy, Thank-you for all that you have gone through.We sure do appreciate your tenacity and courage. God Bless you in all your endevours. Thank-you for the beautiful picture of Zola with the heart in his hands. It reminds me that Zola holds so many hearts in his hands, for Jesus Christ with every program and newsletter he does. Thank-you Sandy and Zola for sharing your lives, all these years, with a very greatful audience. I’m grateful to you and greatful to God in Christ, and ask God in Christ for you both to continue to heal from this experience. In Christ Amen!
    Sicerely,Dee Arnold

  10. Kim Ewing Says:

    Dear Zola and Family.
    May the Lord Bless you and keep you. May He make his face to shine upon you.
    Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. Psalms 27:14

    Heartfelt prayers for a hastened recovery. Zola, we love you.
    The Ewings

  11. emily davis Says:

    why are they keeping you so long? you look great! my father-in-law went in for an emergency quadruple bypass on the same day as you and he went home sunday. i pray that you are not having any problems you do not wish to share with us. or maybe, you are like my husband (irresistable) and the nurses are trying to keep you around as long as they can! Godspeed, zola

  12. PJ Sorensen Says:

    While I thank G-d for your speedy recovery, I am not surprised. With my G-d there are no impossibilities. Well……while you were busy laying around in the hospital resting….I’ve been busy on the Correspondence course work and running my ministry. The Israeli kids keep me hopping.

    You want a good laugh? They have come up with a good reason I should never have a date with Ariel Sharon. (Now please understand I am married but it’s their reasoning and conjecture that is hillarious.) As one kid from Jerusalem put it, “PJ, you should never ever have a date with Ariel Sharon because you would convince him to become religious and then all of Israel would have to become so.” Okay……now that I’ve made you laugh. You can see I have my hands full with a lot of Israeli kids. But lest you think Yeshua isn’t winning………several have come to Yeshua and are studying to become rebbes. *big grin*

    Be full of joy in that nicely beating heart of yours and get well soon and get back to work.
    There’s a world of people who need your enlightenment. Beracha shalom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And yes, I am praying for the peace of Yerushalaim!

  13. Pamela Brodt Says:

    Shalom ya all! Zola I was just praying for you and want you to know
    how much your knowledge and love for our Messiah has helped us to
    understand another side of our Great Savior and Lord. I know as you
    rest in His might arms under the care of the best doctors and nurses
    you will continue in your recovery… Thank you Zola for your testimony.
    I love Israel and you have been one of the ones in my life that the Good
    Lord is using to further my education as to the TRUTH of the matter.
    I also want to thank all the people that care for you today! Santa Rosa, CA

  14. Kimberly Woolmaker Says:

    Dear Zola, Dont you worry we are all praying for you. My fiancee is having his first open heart surgery very soon. I think iam more worried than him. You will have a testimony for us all. Iam sorry for your set back. I hope you know you are LOVED and very appreciated for teaching God,s word. Stay strong in Jesus name. Kimberlee W.

  15. joyce pastor Says:

    Dearest Zola & Sandra,
    Being able to read of your progress has been such a blessing to me. I am so thankful to the Lord to be able to live in such a wonderful age of technology, both electronic and medically. Having you so close on my computer makes me long for Israel all the more. Thanks to you and your beautiful music, programs, newsletters, and tours to the promised land. If you need a few more days in the hospital, God has a reason. I am sure both of you are a powerful testimony to all.
    Eph. 5:19. Keep those melodies coming. Looking forward to seeing you here or in the air. J. Pastor

  16. David and Shirley Katz Says:


    David just had bypass surgery in July also…we are with you. Now all there is a Yeshua’s name we will do it.

    Much love,

    David and Shirley Katz..Jewish Believers in Yeshua

  17. Cliff & Mary Lou Long Says:

    Dear Zola,
    We are so cheered by the good news concerning your recovery! We have been praying earnestly for you every day! We are telling our Lord how much your ministry has taught us about the Jewish faith and about where we are in Bible Prophecy today. You are such a blessing! I am new to your program . .we just found you on our Direct TV. This website is new to us . .but . .we will be back!
    May the Lord Bless you GREATLY! And your wife Sandra!!!

    Love, Mary Lou & Cliff

  18. Michael Lindsey Says:

    Just saw the after the fact information on your heart attack? I will be praying for you Zola and keep up your spirits and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. You have too much work to do for Christ, I know it is becoming very clear the Lord will be coming for his church very soon. Keep up your ministry and keep preaching the truth with the gosple of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The mighty one, the Lord of all has not taken you to be with Him. I will be keeping you in my prayers.

  19. Mike Keffer Says:


    So glad to hear you are recovering! I have been fond of you for 10 years now and count you one of the most influential people in my life. In fact, I believe the Lord used you to confirm my calling to take the Gospel to the Jewish People.Prayers always for you, your family and the ministry.

    Mike Keffer, ThM
    Sure Foundations Ministries

  20. Anna Says:

    Hi Zola,
    I am retired RN and I just wanted to tell that very often, and I mean 80% of the time heart surgery brings on serious depression. It’s something physical brought on by the ‘shock’/insult’ to the body. It is something like post partum depression with women after having a baby. I don’t know why the doctors don’t warn patients about this but may they don’t want to put that suggestion in their minds. So please be aware these ‘feelings’ can come and go for year or two after surgery. I don’t want to worry you but rather comfort you by making you aware thatyou can feel overwhelming or even slightly sad. If you do, please tell your doctors and if they don’t take you seriously enough(common problem)get in contact with a Christian Psychaitrist. We are all pulling for you… Maybe you won’t have any bummed out moodiness but if you do know it is 99.9% Physical! God Bless you!!! Your sister in Christ