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Life on the ground in Israel

I found a coin

Ps 102:15 for thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and love her dust.

Morning breakfast came with a piano version of HaTikva (Israeli national anthem). It was just so touching. I thought about standing up and singing, but sat down immediately when I realized that I do not carry a tune. I also heard, Exodus and more Mozart. I am really enjoying my breakfasts.

Yesterday at breakfast, I met a group from Applewood Baptist Church in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. It was the first time for Pastor Wittman and his wife, but as he said, not his last. He had brought a group from his church. Makes my day. I wish more pastors would bring their congregations. Israel changes your life.

Also at the hotel is a group of Labor Union leaders. The group is from all over the U.S. and are leaders in their different unions. On top of that, there is a group led by a Rabbi from the U.S. And let’s not forget the Europeans who are there too.

Staying at this hotel reminds me of the TV series “Hotel.” The different people come and go. Something different everyday.

But, the big news for me is that: I GOT TO DIG! I had heard that there was sifting for the project of sifting the Temple Mount Debris. I found a phone number, got directions and off I went to “sift.” I went early in the morning because of the heat, but I did not have to worry. It is covered and was actually very pleasant.

The project began in November 2004 by archaeologist Dr. Gabriel Barkay under the auspices of Bar-Ilan University. Why? Because in 1999, illegal construction and excavation took place on the Temple Mount that caused irreparable archaeological destruction. This is part of a larger trend of illegal work of the Wakf (the Moslem religious body in charge of Moslem holy sites). The dirt dumps from these illegal works, saturated with archaeological material, were removed by bulldozers and trucks and discarded in the Kidron Valley. Though these remains are no longer in their original context they include great and important potential. Important artifacts from various periods, from the first Temple period until today have been found.

I cannot tell you how excited I was to sift. The site is set up with buckets everywhere. All I had to do was pick up a bucket, dump it in the sifter, check for artifacts, call over a staff member to check for things I might have missed, sort according to pottery and other things, and then empty the sifter in a wheel barrell. I stayed for 4 hours. I found a coin. Probably Roman. I also found all kinds of pottery, glass, metal, and bones. I am going to try and go back before I leave next week.

The newspaper is filled with Tony Blair as the new “hero” of the Middle East. Is it me or is prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes?

4 Responses to “I found a coin”

  1. Debbie Conn Says:

    Sandra…… is not just you!!! Prophesy is being fullfilled right before our faces!! It is awesome to be alive in such a time as this. I am glad you are enjoying your breakfasts, but I do believe you should have gone ahead and sang!!! You may have been surprised at the tune that came from your heart! With Yeshua, nothing is impossible. I am thrilled to see you got to do more digging. The dirt holds many treasures in His land………and, you found a precious coin to always treasure. Keep having fun and inspiring others as you go. May our Lord be with you and keep you!!! Shalom, Deb

  2. Dottie Lamont Says:

    Dear Sandra, thanks for your newsy blogs. It comes up automatically on my google sidebar!
    The Ramonim Hotel in Tiberias sounds great and I know of their parking lot, since we stayed a couple weeks in Tiberias this year, renting a car and traveling! Yet, I love tours as you have friends for life and the fellowship is priceless!

    WHAT HOTEL ARE YOU STAYING AT IN JERUSALEM NOW, since the little house in Bakka is getting the room fixed up again?

    Amazing how we visited the Applewood Baptist Church for the first time a couple Sundays ago when they shared their tour was leaving for Israel on Thurs. We were thrilled! It is a large “great” Bible teaching Church and the Pastor talked about the precious blood of Jesus six times (I counted) in his message, as in the O.T. they always applied the blood. We have the precious shed blood of Yeshua/Jesus!
    We believers know without the blood of Yeshua our sins cannot be forgiven! Praise God for the BLOOD covering!!
    Brooke, who you shared about a couple blogs ago is a joy and indiscribable and it touched my heart you were with her! We had just met her this Spring, and we will never be the same!

    You are a gift from God to countless people and thank you Sandra.

    .dottie from Golden, CO

  3. Dortha Mae Spurgeon Says:

    Hello Sandra,
    Your blogs are so interesting and uplifting and exciting….I so look forward to each one…..I love to hear about the piano playing at the hotel, that is wonderful….What beautiful breakfasts you have had.

    Yes, prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes….Things are quickly falling into place for the end of the church age, what a time to be alive and it is happening to you and me.

    In May I had the privilege of visiting my daughter and her family in beautiful Colorado….it was interesting to hear of the group from Colorado, they are most fortunate to get to travel as a church group to beautiful Israel.

    God bless you Sandra…I know it will be sad for you to leave Israel and I am so glad you got to do some digging, how exciting.
    Shalom, Dortha

  4. Diana J Wharton Says:

    Dearest Sandra and Jeff (and son),
    I just read your blog and the Levitt Letter from Jeff. How I wish I could shower you all with such encouragement and joy that your eyes will never come across anymore sadness or grief! But the LORD (Yeshua) seems to be doing the best of all in that area.
    I have been thinking about how the Lord provides comfort in the midst of sorrow and enables us to know Him deeper as we pass through the valleys. I think the anti-anything is what gives us the blooms of the flowers after the stormy-rains; yet, this blessing seems to come upon those who KNOW God personally. Those who do not, see only the mud they are stuck in after the rains and will complain about everything!
    Most of the time I get excited about everything – the goodness of God seems to be everywhere – how can one not get excited? I am so thrilled about your adventures in Israel and feel close whenever you share your observances! Thank you so much.
    When we think of anti-Israel, history will prove to the world that such attitudes will not stand the judgment of God and the only way we are going to be able to overcome such attitudes is to join together with the King of the Jews. He has more power, influence, resources, and than the enemy can even imagine (too foolish to realize it).
    The teachings of Zola, you (Sandra), and you (Jeff) are being soaked up by thirsty souls. I pray this trip to Israel will provide a great yeild of the harvest that awaits. You always have my love and incredible excitement of those things to come!
    Sha’lu Shalome Yerushalyem (I hope that is right.) and may God continue to bless Zola Levitt Ministries and the messengers of His Word.