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Life on the ground in Israel

Beef is a good thing

I had every intention of “blogging” after the group left Israel on the 18th. However, Ken Berg, our producer had us working almost non-stop. Jeff and I are getting ready for some new programs and we like to interview and film in Israel. We think it makes a better program. I want you all to see what I see: Home! Israel!

I don’t want to spoil any surprises of the programs, but let’s just say, it is the second time Jeff has cooked. You will have to wait for the Fall program on women for the full story. We also did some “spa” things, but that too has to wait for the programs. We had a great time making these programs on women.

I was blessed to interview Becky Brimmer of Bridges for Peace and Sharon Sanders of Christian Friends of Israel. These are two of my favorite organizations in Israel. These are real women of faith and I was so inspired to have talked with them. God is so good to me. I think you will enjoy getting to know them also.

OK, more cooking stories. I fixed Passover dinner at Will’s for the production crew and a couple of friends. Because of filming, I had to shop the day before Passover—think Christmas eve at the mall. That will give you an idea how busy the grocery store was. It is what I call the “big store.” It is large and has everything. Not your corner store.

It always takes me a long time because I have to decipher what the Hebrew is on each product, if it is not in English. I was at my meltdown limit and was crusing one of the asiles, when I heard my name spoken. “Sandra? Sandra?” Who, I thought, would know me in this Israeli grocery store? Turns out, this precious lady had been on one of our Holy Land Experience trips and was in Israel for Passover. I was bowled over. Hardly anyone in the store speaks English, almost everything is written in Hebrew, and here is a lady that knows me. Wow! Kinda made my day.

Come Passover day, I am thinking I will take it easy. The filming is finished and I will head to Will’s about noon to start cooking. I am just getting ready to walk out the door to breakfast, when the phone rings and it is Elia, the Israeli producer, asking if I would do an interview with a Holocaust survivor. How could I say no? I can hardly talk about it. His name is Abba. He was such a sweet man. Please keep him in your prayers.

I finally get back about 2pm. I had brought Texas pecans and Will is asking if I can make the pecan pie. So, I have the “pie crust lady” guy this time. I brought my own pie crust mix. I made the pecan pie. We also had deviled eggs, salad, chicken, lamb and ground beef patties, melon, and pasta. This is the start of the melon season and is tradtion to serve it.

Josh, who you will see as Samson, is a meat eater, so we made the patties special for him. I did notice that almost everyone took some of the beef. It is about this time on the trip that I have had just about enough of chicken and salad, so beef is a good thing: It’s what’s for dinner.

Because I kept thinking I would get to the store and because I kept filming, I did not get to the store until really late and I just could not carry anything else in my new green tote, so I did not get potatoes. We had pasta with lots of garlic instead. Worked just fine. The table was set and we had a lovely Passover. The reminder of being with friends in Israel and the passing over to our salvation was a wonderful evening.

It dawned on me that I was leaving at 1am on Passover. Some day I will think when I make my reservations. I try and go to Israel for a month at a time and I think I am pushing the envelope by staying that long. So, I am a good girl and try to time it to the day on the nose. Will walks me back to the B&B and I am picked up and off I go to the airport.

Now, I am thinking no one will be at the airport, and I am right. I think that no one will be on my flight to Zurich, but I am wrong—the plane is packed. Think Thanksgiving day travel and you get the picture. Everyone shows up for the 5am flight at about 4am. I am the only one who gets to the airport 3 hours ahead. I do follow instructions well.

I sleep most of the way to Zurich and board American Airlines for Dallas. Great flight! It really is my favorite way to get to Israel. It occurs to me as we land in Dallas, that I am not in Israel and my heart aches.

I have had a wonderful trip. I have made new friends from the tour, seen old friends, blessed the economy of Israel and know that God willing, I will return “home” in June.

Stay tuned…

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

10 Responses to “Beef is a good thing”

  1. Dortha Mae Spurgeon Says:

    Dear Sweet Sandra,

    What a joy to read your blog and I am so happy you had a beautiful passover dinner with Will and friends…..It certainly sounds like you had a super wonderful time in beautiful Israel and I can hardly wait to see the programs you have made….I will pray for Abba and also always for the Peace of Jerusalem.

    Everyone is enjoying all the programs, they are very good….I always tape mine so I can rewatch them later on and share with others.

    God bless you Sandra, keep up the good work…You are a blessing to all of us.

    Your Sister in Christ,
    Dortha Spurgeon, Redding, CA

  2. Louise Melbye Says:

    Glad to see your blog again. I was eager to read about “what’s happening” in Israel and the small details of being there. Thank you for those snapshots of your daily life in Israel.. very interesting.

    May God continue to bless you and supply every need. Your spirit is a great encouragement.

    Folsom Ca.

  3. Stephen and Bonita Ann Richie Says:

    Dear Beloved Sandra,

    We love you and we thank you for keeping Zola’s program on the air as The LORD Jesus has desired of you.

    We want to invite you to visit our website “Living Hope In Jesus” ( There is a link there to your ministry as well as other things that will certainly interest you at our website. We have a love letter to Jewish people worldwide at the site. Our desire is to reach the Jewish people with our website as The LORD Jesus opens the door.

    Once again, we love you and we thank you!!!

    Sincerely in The LORD and ONLY Savior Jesus Christ,
    Stephen and Bonita Ann Richie

    Living Hope In Jesus

  4. Arle Says:

    Hello- So nice to hear from you- How AWESOME that you were in Israel for Passover/Resurrection… It is almost time for what I call “Heaven Birthdays”- Zola will have one on 04/19/07… Our thoughts and prayers will be with You, his Sons and their Families, Grand children, all staff and the MINISTRY!!! EXCELLENT WORK!!! Mr. Seif and Mr. Berg and all “Accomplices”… I am so PROUD to partner with this Ministry- I thank the Holy Spirit for leading me here… May the Grace and Peace of the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob abound in all your lives and of those you Love…


    Pray 4 the Peace of Jerusalem, May they PROSPER that LOVE thee…


    Arle Masters

  5. Kenneth Says:

    Dear Sandra:

    Thank you for sharing about your Passover with us. It is a blessing to know the Passover Yeshua observed with His disciples is observed today.

    God Bless and Shalom,


  6. Linda Pool Says:

    Dearest Sandra,

    I really enjoyed your blog from Israel. I checked the website each day to see if there might be a new one. How wonderful it must have been to actually be in Israel during Passover. I will be eagerly awaiting the programs that you filmed while there, as I eagerly await each broadcast of Zola’s weekly program. It is a family favorite of ours.

    God Bless you and Jeff for remaining faithful to what Zola had started many years ago. I know it truly is Holy Spirit directed that you do so. Your programs are so inspiring to us and we pray that God will continue to Bless this wonderful ministry.

    Also, thank you for the Levitt Letter!!! I read it each time it comes, cover to cover.

    May God continue to Bless and prosper you all. Your ministry is such a blessing to us.

    In His Precious Love,

    Linda Pool
    Lincoln, Ne

  7. Dortha Mae Spurgeon Says:

    Hello Sandra,
    Today is a special day for me….When I turned on my computer today there was a message from myspace that Zola wanted me to be his friend.

    For so long I have been hoping someone would build a site for Zola on myspace and here it is….It has been done in very good taste and someone did a lot of work to put it all together….Now I see one for Zola’s music also and that makes me equally happy.

    So, Congratulations to you for this to happen to ZLM…..This is a good thing…I know there must be a lot of Jewish youth out there on myspace and this will be wonderful exposure.

    God bless all of you there for all that you do to make these programs each week that are so very special.
    Shalom, and Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
    Your Sister in Christ,
    Dortha Spurgeon

  8. Diana Ament Says:

    Dear Sandra,
    How are you and how is everything in Israel? I’ve been waiting to see what other awesome things are happening there. My Husband and I are looking forward to going to Israel one day, just hearing your stories helps us to see Israel through your experiences.
    We love you all and keep blogging away!
    God Bless,

  9. Crizzy Says:

    Love your blog! Please keep it up. Receiving the Levitt Letter has become a monthly highlight. Mahalo and aloha, may God continue to bless your ministry.

  10. Jana Funkhouser Says:

    Dear Sandra,

    This is my first time to view your blog. However, I have watched,learned and admired Zola’s ministry for several years. My desire has and continues to be a trip (my first)to Israel with you and Zola’s outstanding crew! As you describe everyday, common experiences in Israel, you fuel my desire to go … even in the midst of the turmoil of war.

    May Y’shua, our very life, bless you and protect you; and make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you. May He look with favor on you and give you peace.

    Awaiting the Shout!
