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Life on the ground in Israel

Today is Zola’s birthday

Psalm 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.”

I returned to Dallas last Wednesday afternoon just in time for the snow. I could not believe I was coming home to snow! I left a fairly warm Israel on Tuesday and then snow. I could not believe it when I got here that the weather would turn so bad [from 75 to 42 in a few hours, to snow the following day—ed.]. It did snow on Thursday, but not too bad.

The flight from Israel started with a funny event. The plane was packed, as usual, and we were waiting to take off. The seat next to me was vacant. I had ended up in the middle of a 4 seat row. I kept thinking that no way was that seat going to stay vacant, but hope springs eternal. As the door closed and we started to taxi, my hopes were up, only to be dashed by a young man taking the seat.

The problem was that the person who was assigned the seat next to me was an Orthodox Jewish man and he would not sit next to a woman that he was not related to. So he was standing in the galley waiting for someone to trade seats with. This young secular Jewish guy finally traded seats with him. No one wanted to sit in the middle seat and for a long time the steward could find no one to take the seat. I was starting to take it personally. Then, my seatmates and I were laughing when we discovered the problem. After this young man sat down, the steward was so grateful that he brought him all the goodies from the business class section. He even got the business class meal.

I am back and sorting out 5 weeks of mail and other miscellaneous things I do after traveling. I already miss Israel and am looking forward to being there again in the Spring.

Today is Zola’s birthday. How happy he must be sharing his birthday with the Lord and for that I am blessed.

Thanks to all who have read the blog. I tell you, I did not even know what a blog was until a year ago and now I are one. 🙂 God does work in mysterious ways.

Please keep praying for Israel and her leaders. They must stand strong against all our enemies.

12 Responses to “Today is Zola’s birthday”

  1. Arle Says:

    Hello… Happy Earth Birthday to Zola!!! I posted this under another comment- Did you know that it is also Benny Hinns Earth Birthday on December 3rd… It would be interesting to see how many servants of the L-rd were brought into this realm on that day… I am glad that you are home…

    Blessings to you and all you Love,

    Pray 4 the Peace of Jerusalem,


  2. Inez Says:

    Hi Sandra – enjoyed reading your post. My sister’s birthday was today – the big 5-0! We are both still single. My brother is the only one married and he has one daughter, thus, my parents have one grandchild! It must be quite lonely at times and difficult remembering special times like Zola’s birthday. But we know we are not alone in the Lord. I like to think of Isaiah 46:3-4 – He will carry us even in our old age and deliver us – even to the ultimate deliverance from spiritual and bodily death – bringing us to a home He’s prepared that we might be with Him forever. What a blessed Redeemer! Praying for Israel and ZLM. Keep up the good work:)

  3. Kimberly Says:

    God Bless You Sandra, A BIG HUG TO YOU AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZOLA,I THANK GOD YOU WERE BORN IN THIS WORLD! THE TEACHING,S YOU TAUGHT US ARE STILL IN OUR HEARTS, We MISS you BUT know where to find you and that is a great comfort. You gave so much of yourself to teach us. I know Jesus has a GREAT birthday present for you. Be encouraged to you all at Zola,s ministry. GREAT JOB, Love Kimberly W. WV.

  4. Ryan Says:

    Nice bloggin’ Sandra! Keep up the great work on the TV programs! I would love to see more of you and Jeff visit with Walid in future porgrams. Also, if possible, please consider offering “video” podcasts in addition to the audio only ones.

  5. Bill Turner Says:

    G-d bless you Sandra. Memories of my departed loved ones are still fresh even though the natural event of their passing took place some time ago. We can rest in the peaceful assurance they are with our L-rd. G-d gives us peace and allows us to continue our work for Him. You are doing important things both here and in Israel. Perhaps more important now than before Zola’s passing. For you see, G-d started a great work with you, Zola, and all the others involved in presenting the gospel to Israel. The work MUST go on! You must remain steadfast, and it must not fail because failure will mean spiritual death for many who have not yet heard the word of the L-ord our G-d. My thoughts and prayers will be with you in the next few days. I am about to become a grandfather for the first time. What a testimony to the need to continue in the faith. I can not and will not let my new, precious granddaughter grow up without the knowledge of our G-d’s love for her! You can’t allow all those “children” in Israel to grow up without the message!

  6. Daniel Jacobs Says:

    I’m amazed and encouraged by your ability to keep in perspective the importance of Zola’s relationship to the Lord. My Father passed on when I was 20, and I’m in great gratitude to know that if I press on the path of Yashua I will again see him one day.
    What a beautiful sight it will be for all of us to be united in the fullness of His Glory, shining as bright as The Son in that day~ 🙂

  7. Geo.Brock Says:

    Greetings to Sandra and all at ZLM.
    I missed Zola’s birthday but I will always remember it from now on as I also have another reason for its remembrance. On Dec. 3, 1988 my beautiful sister graduated to Heaven after a terrible bout with cancer. Isn’t it wonderful to know that cancer cannot follow them there?
    I would also like to take this opportunity to say that with you and Dr. Seif together on the program it is almost like a double portion of that spirit exhibited by Zola. No one of course can take his place, but thankfully, you are building on the foundation he laid.
    In recent months I have felt a deepening love and concern for the Jews and Israel. I am not financially able to go to Israel but would like to know of other means to express that love and concern by helping them. There are several programs that offer help to the people there but I would like your opinion of one.
    Thank you for carrying on and God bless you all.

  8. Kimberly Woolmaker Says:

    Dear Sandra and Jeff and all at Zola Levitt Ministries, I just wanted to also say Merry Christmas to you all there. I pray for you all at Zola Levitt,s ministry. Jesus is the only hope this old nasty world has. Thank you for your teachings and i want to send my ENCOURAGMENT to you all for your love and keeping on. Merry Christmas Zola and we miss you! God Bless You, Kimberly W, WV.

  9. Janet Kerns Says:

    Hi Sandra and all the Levitt family and Ministry workers, God Bless you all. I love the Levitt Tv show I learn so much, and I see a bit of Israel, which is so wonderful, I love to see Israel. I feel so drawn to that country. It’s beautiful and I can see why you always want to go back again.
    Sandra, you and Jeff are doing a marvelous job on the TV program, I love it. Watching it makes me happy and feel close to you. I don’t know any Jewish people pesonally, but I certainly feel as if I know all of you, and we are brother and sister in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour, what could be better! God Bless You, Much Love.Janet Kerns

  10. Marybeth Says:

    Dear Sandra,
    This may be late but I’ve had a heavy heart since last year concerning your dear husband. When I read the awful news of Zola’s cancer I remember feeling like a sword had gone through me. I couldn’t believe what I was reading and could only imagine it must have been what the believers in Rome felt when they heard the terrible news concerning their beloved apostle Paul at the hands of Nero. When my own elderly father was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago I felt deep sorrow but not the same sharp pain. Apparently I hadn’t realized how dear this Jewish man had become to me! My heavy heart comes from not having written to say how much I appreciated his ministry and what a blessing he had been while he was still with us. One thing I especially wanted to tell him was how I loved his book ‘Return to Galilee’. I have several of his books but that’s the one I keep coming back to. Of all the books I’ve read concerning our Lord, only Zola ever referred to Him as a “youthful outdoorsman”. I love that! His descriptions of Israel’s towns and the countrysides come alive in this wonderful little book.
    May the Lord bless all of you and may He continue to bless this very special ministry.

  11. Kenneth Says:

    Dear Sandra, Jeff and Zola Levitt Ministry workers:

    Thank you so much for carrying on Zola’s Ministry and legacy. You’ve done such a wonderful job! I always love reading about your trips to Israel. Also, congratulations on the 4 star rating! Shalom and God bless,


  12. Kimberly Woolmaker Says:

    Dearest Sandra and Jeff and everyone at Zola Levitt,s ministry, I could never dig deep enough in my heart to say how much your teaching,s have BLESSED ME SO. I love you all and thank you all,i look forward to every program you put together with the power of the Holy Spirit working through you at Zola,s Ministry. God is using you for these last days and I THANK HIM FOR YOU. Be encouraged and be well, in Jesus Name. Kimberly Woolmaker, West Virginia.