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Life on the ground in Israel

Jet lag

Greetings from Dallas. I made it back all safe and sound. Not much to report. I spent Thursday night in Zurich and got the Zurich-to-Dallas flight the next morning.

I will say that it was hard to listen to French/German on my short stay over in Zurich. I had been concentrating so hard on Hebrew and then a new language came my way. I had taken French in High School, so I thought in French with Hebrew responses to questions. I ordered soup at the hotel and actually said “todah” (thank you) to the server.

I am doing my usual early morning getting up, with naps during the day. It is harder for me coming back to the States with the jet lag. This too shall pass. I get lots of reading and other work done.

Will is fine. In fact, he went Saturday up to Northern Israel to check things out. I think I may have slowed him down a bit while I was in Israel. He is sending a report for the blog. It is good to have someone on the ground in Israel to report what is really happening. I get so tired of watching the “Israel bashing” from the liberal media.

Again, thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. It was a wonderful experience to be in Israel and to see first-hand what God is doing.

I am convinced that we are in the Last Days spoken of in Matthew 24. The signs are all around us. We need to be praying and helping others to see our Messiah.

The Fall tour is still on and we have about 70 people signed up to go to Greece, Israel and Petra. Jeff and I will be going. I will “blog” again then.

God bless you, God bless Israel, and God bless America.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,


13 Responses to “Jet lag”

  1. Madaliene (California) Says:

    Dear Sandra, Thank you so much for these messages from your trip to Israel. It is good to hear the truth of how it is going there. It was as if I had a close relative writing to me. You are a wonderful and courageous woman. Thank you all for continuing Zola’s work. God Bless and protect Israel and America (Please, Lord).

  2. Arle Masters Says:

    Welcome Back! Your in our thoughts and prayers daily… I just wrote a comment to an e-mail I received – stand for Israel Feedback… I think in the 1930’s perhaps people with a lack of communication could of had an excuse for not really knowing or understanding what was happening around the Globe… Not anymore! All these people who are trying to appease Hezbollah/Hamas- it will not work- their agenda is to cut off the heads of all Jewish/Christians- and people who start standing with them out of Fear- let me tell you one thing- ANYONE who says DO THIS or I will kill you- is going to kill you someday! Stand with Israel… Pray! Fast! Support Financially! Anyone who is against the Hebrew people has a LUCERFERIAN SPIRIT! The Lord said my people will be destroyed for lack of knowledge…Hosea 4:6 Not me thanks in a MAJOR PART TO THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF ZOLA LEVITT!!! MY WHOLE FAMILY THANKS YOU! I pray for more finances soon- your message has got to keep being sent…We are all called to either go or send…

    May the G-d of Abraham, Isacc, and Jacob (Israel) send blessings of Grace, Wisdom, Mega
    Prosperity, Love, Courage, Strength, Zeal, and Joy… TO ALL INVOLVED WITH THIS MINISTRY!!!

    We Love you! Fight the good fight of FAITH!!!


  3. Mike Says:

    Dear Sandra
    So glad you made it back home safely. We will miss your blogs from the home land.
    Is your son Will going to continue w/ daily blogs? I hope so. We need the truth from honest people on the ground.
    Thank you Sandra, I admire your courage and commitment.
    I pray our LORD JESUS will continue to bless you and yours.
    Mike & Brenda

  4. Dortha Mae Spurgeon Says:

    Hello Sandra,
    So thankful you made it safely back to America and we thank the Lord for your good trip and reports to us….Thank you for doing this and my prayers are for Will as he continues on there in Israel…God bless him for what he is doing there….I know you hated to leave him, but you will be returning soon with a group and oh how I wish with all my heart that I could be with you and Jeff as you make this trip…..I am in need of a hip replacement and then just maybe sometime after that I will be able to do that….Would be a dream come true….God bless you and all your loyal crew as you carry this wonderful work forward.
    Your Sister in Christ,
    Dortha Mae in Redding, California

  5. Orvel Sternberg Says:

    Dear Sandra,
    I am so glad you made it home safe and sound. I have really enjoyed reading about your trip through your blogs. Thank You for “following your heart” by going to Israel during these deeply troubling and dangerous times. I’m sure Will be reporting on the ongoing events in your abscence. I look forward to reading his words in the coming weeks. Welcome Home!
    Your brother in Southern California.

  6. John Baumgartner Says:

    Welcome back, ‘Shalom’! It is a joy to read your blog and see the Lord’s blessing on your life and ministry as you continue Zola’s heritage. I am only new to the ministry and have a kindred spirit for the work. I have co-led 3 trips to the Holy Land and look forward to many others should the Lord continue to tarry. However, I like you, feel these could well be the last of the last days. Wouldn’t a man of ‘peace’ be the answer? However, I plan to be with the LOrd when he is reveled.
    In His Glad Service, Pastor John Baumgartner

  7. Carmen Says:

    Dear Sandra: How wonderful to see your blogs….It was a surprise to me. I loved Zola, I love you and I love Israel. I am so glad you are taking over after him….we need your voice and we need to see you. May the Lord bless you greatly and provide for all your needs. We pray for you….I see you through SkyAngel y a small town in Puerto Rico….I went twice to Israel in the 90s…..wish I could afford to go again but having you coming and going is good enough….May the Lord protect Will on his work in the land of our Savour……..God bless you and bless Israel and the Zola Levitt Ministry. Shalom!

  8. Vivian Samarripa Says:

    My dearest Sandra. Thank you, thank you. I have received so many blessings through the years from
    Zola and now you and Will. I just want to agree with all the messages you have received on your return
    and will continue to pray for you and this blessed ministry.
    God be with you and Israel in these trying days. I pray that many will be brought to Jesus Christ thru
    these terrible times.
    Your sister in Christ, Vivian in Kentucky

  9. Emily Says:

    Hi Sandra–and Will too, I had not visited the website in several weeks so the diary was a great treat. The other night as I was praying for Isreal I really had a huge desire to just be there. I think now your going was even better than that. You’ve got connections! Thanks for your sharing the whole enchilada with me. May our Father continue to bless and keep you both. May He give you both awsome guidance for each moment. Much love.

  10. Sheila S Says:

    Thank you both so much for keeping us in the loop.
    It helps greatly to zero in our prayers!
    We miss Zola very much, but having you both in
    his place is such a comfort & blessing…bless you both
    each new day! Shalom, Sds from Illinois

  11. Valerie M Bland Says:


    I am knew to Zola’s Ministries, I did get to see a few before he went to the Lord. I am now praying for God’s people and land. Your reports were so enlightening for a new comer to really know what is truth or fiction on the TV. I started watching FOx and told family/friends to do the same as they reported more acturatly the other stations. Your daily journals and Will’s in put were beyond the call of duty and I don’t understand why governments wouldn’t take off blinders and see the real facts. God bless you both and the ministries!
    Shalom V.Bland

  12. Jaymie Bellet Says:

    Shalom in the Beloved, dearest family.
    I too am a Jewish believer feeling the Call to go to the Land – maybe soon I can as He wills and speaks. I pray for peace and joy to all of you, until you are reunited with all the saints.

    The Lord inspires me with songs, and I for some reason feel moved to include the words to one….inspiration from John 7:14
    “No One Ever Spoke Like This MAN”

    When He began He had few, but soon there number grew –
    No one ever spoke like this Man.
    All His miracles, signs and wonders were true –
    No one ever spoke like this Man
    First they denied Him , then they crucified Him
    No one ever spoke like this Man
    Those who were not deceived dropped to their knees and believed
    No one ever spoke like this Man!

    You know not the day, so you must watch and wait,
    Then you’ll see Me unfold My plan.
    I was here once before, to tell you “I am the Door”
    No one ever spoke like this Man
    Endure till the end, when I will come again
    Then you’ll see the wrath of the Lamb
    You’ll be safe in My hands if you do all I command-
    No one ever spoke like this Man

    And in His Name all things are made new,
    That is His promise to me and to you,
    The One who promised is faithful and true
    All of this is part of His plan
    Have no doubt all things were made by His hand –
    No one ever spoke like this Man

    At the end of the age, all the nations will rage
    Till the darkness covers the land
    “Yet I will do all My pleasure and My counsel shall stand” –
    Then the world will know that I AM
    My sheep hear My voice, and they must make the choice
    Come into My fold while you can
    Those who seek Me will find Me so I’ve stayed My hand –
    No one ever spoke like this Man

    And in His Name all things are made new
    That is His promise to me and to you
    The One who promised is faithful and true
    All of this is part of His plan
    Have no doubt all things were made by His Hand
    No one ever spoke like this Man
    No one ever spoke like this Man –
    No one else can SAVE –
    But this Man!

    Shalom in dearest agapa-o love of the Spirit

  13. kat preston Says:

    Shalom!Dear Sister Sandra,
    I have been reading about your trip.As I read, my eyes filled with tears. My heart aches for Israel.I get so angry when I read the lies told by our media about Israel. I am on Jewish,but I have such love for these chosen people of Yahweh. I hope to someday soon see Israel for myself.But I am afraid that I may not want to come back. I am so grateful for faithful ones such as yourself,Zola, and now Jeff and others for telling the real truth. You are often in my Prayers. I cannot wait to meet Zola,when it is my time to go home. Keep pressing on.Know that where-ever I stand, I stand with Israel. Bless you all. May Yahweh keep you safe and close in his arms, always.

    Your Friend in Messiah,